12 Most incredible natural phenomena in the world ! Some are too scary to be real.

The most incredible natural phenomena in the world with some supporting videos to prove that we are not lying.

You wouldn’t believe it if someone told you about it in the street.

Thanks to the internet and people who happily share their discoveries, it is easier to discover them.

We no longer need to go there to discover these phenomena, most of which are very dangerous.

Our planet is full of many mysteries and strange phenomena that happen without our knowledge.

If we want to name them all, we will have to write a book. In this post, you will discover the strangest natural phenomena on our planet with some videos to support it.

12 Most incredible natural phenomena in the world ! Some are too scary to be real.

1/ Natural phenomenon – Blue lava

The 12 strangest natural phenomena on our planet with supporting video
Blue lava, beautiful but dangerous

Located in Indonesia, this explosive lava releases a very toxic gas and its temperature exceeds 600°C. That is double that of a normal lava which reaches 360°.

The blue color of this lava is due to the abundant amount of sulfur it contains.

2/ Natural phenomenon – An electric volcanic eruption

The 12 strangest natural phenomena on our planet with supporting video
Start of the electric volcanic eruption

The lightning that comes from the volcanic eruption comes from the gas particles released by the volcano.

The violence of the eruption causes the gas particles to rub against each other to the point that they become electrified. The accumulated static electricity is released in the form of lightning, which can be seen in the video. The electrical discharge is no less than a few hundred million volts.

That is 100 times more powerful than lightning, which is between 10 and 20 million volts.

3/ Natural phenomenon – The infinite waves of Pororoca

A surfer’s paradise, there really is a place where the waves never stop and it is in Pororoca in Brazil.

This wave is the result of the meeting between the Amazon River and the Atlantic Ocean. It travels more than 800 km to end up on the Brazilian coast.

4/ Natural phenomenon – The Atacama desert becomes a magical flower garden

The 12 strangest natural phenomena on our planet with supporting video

The Atacama Desert in northern Chile is known to be the driest desert in the world. It almost never rains there.

In some places, it only rains once every 50 years minimum. It was said that it almost never rains in this desert because one day there was a big rain.

The first in 12 years. After this rain that caused flooding, this desert has become a magnificent natural garden of flowers.


Distant view after rain


close view after rain

5/ Natural phenomenon – The extraterrestrial skeleton

The 12 strangest natural phenomena on our planet with supporting video

This 15 cm long skeleton was discovered in 2003 in the Atacama Desert of Chile. After DNA analysis it was concluded that it is truly human because it has all 23 pairs of chromosomes.

But scientists say it also contains part of an unidentified genome, which would mean it is half human and half something else.

One hypothesis was that it could be a dead fetus, but that is false. Scientists have revealed that this humanoid lived between 5 and 6 years. Very little is known about its origins, maybe Kirikou really existed.


6/ Natural phenomenon – Infinite storm


Above Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, lightning rains for more than 5 months every year. This place has achieved the world record for lightning strikes per square kilometer per year.

And when we say love at first sight, it is not a metaphor.

In fact, it is estimated that there are 1.6 million lightning strikes per year.

Given the danger of the phenomenon, no one dared to film the storm more closely, let’s just say that the one who succeeded never came back.

7/ Natural phenomenon – Ice flowers

The 12 strangest natural phenomena on our planet with supporting video

They often form in polar regions, more precisely in the Arctic Ocean near the coasts, under very special weather conditions.

This natural phenomenon occurs when water is about to freeze and the environment is calm and windless. The crystallization of water occurs slowly around the small ice cubes which give a shape resembling a flower.

Generally these flowers shelter 4 times more bacteria than a sea ice which serves as a core, one wonders how they do it.

8/ Natural phenomenon – Lake Natron in Tanzania or the lake of death

Image by Nick Brandt

It is a lake that one day became so acidic that it calcified any living thing that dove into it.

This phenomenon was caused by lava from a nearby volcano, rich in sodium carbonate.

As the lava flowed into the lake, it chemically reacted with the lake, increasing its temperature. The lake became deadly for anyone who ventured into it.

9/ Natural phenomenon – Death Valley, Yes it exists

It is a valley that is over 50 degrees on average and extends over 13,600 km2.

In this Californian park, we notice that even the heaviest stones (> 300kg) move mysteriously.

It is also the place with the thinnest layer of land on earth. This valley is an unprecedented geological theater because the ground is constantly stretching.

It is even predicted that it could separate from the American continent to become what Madagascar represents for Africa. Here is a documentary that tells a lot about its history.

10/ Natural phenomenon – Two-headed animals

It is often talked about but many have never seen it, and others think it is a legend. Animals with several heads do indeed exist.

The cause of this phenomenon is simply due to a malformation or genetic manipulation of the human being.

11/ Natural phenomenon – the Maelstrom

A whirlpool that forms in the ocean and can suck in boats and people who approach it.

Maelstroms are often formed when opposing currents meet. They can also form when a current encounters an obstacle.

12/ Natural phenomenon – The underwater river

Underwater river

This phenomenon is caused by the difference in density between ocean water and the water at the bottom of the often very salty ocean.

The same phenomenon can be observed on the surface of the sea. This time we have the impression that two seas seem to be separated by an invisible border. In truth it is the meeting between water of very low density and very dense water due to a high concentration of salt.

13/ Bonus natural phenomenon: the magic berry

The 12 strangest natural phenomena on our planet with supporting video

At night, some beaches light up like in San Diego or Jamaica by magic. In reality, this luminescent phenomenon comes from the planks that light up to keep predators away.

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