Tips: How to lose weight more easily and naturally!

Discover How to lose weight naturally and simply. Some tips to help you lose weight without complicated or forced diets.

One of the most common techniques for losing weight is usually dieting or stopping eating until you are full.

This technique does not always work and is sometimes risky.

In this article we offer the most natural ways to lose weight.

Tips: How to lose weight more easily and naturally!

Know exactly what you are eating

It is important to know your diet well. First of all, you must reduce your consumption of sugar, alcohol and starches in your diet and then replace it with foods rich in protein and healthy fats such as butter and coconut oil.

This strategy will not only boost your satiety but help you lose weight and burn fat.

Try Apple Cider Vinegar


Add vinegar to your daily diet. Vinegar helps fight fat and regulates blood sugar.

Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water does the trick. It is advisable to take it at least half an hour before the meal.

Hydrate yourself


When you wake up, drink a glass of water in the morning. Every time you eat, drink a glass of water before and during the meal.

The more you drink, the fuller you will feel and the easier it will be to avoid taking in unnecessary calories. Water is not just for dieting.

Here are the good times to drink and the benefits that follow, it seems that:

  • 1 glass of water after waking up helps to activate the internal organs. It is also recommended to add lemon. There is nothing better than lemon water every morning.
  • 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal helps digestion.
  • 1 glass of water before taking a bath helps reduce your blood pressure.
  • 1 glass of water before going to bed reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Eat plenty after intense physical activity

After intense physical activity your body needs carbohydrates and starches to stabilize blood sugar levels and stop muscle breakdown.

This is also the time when insulin sensitivity and your metabolism are higher. Treat yourself by devouring your favorite meals after intense physical activity.

Naturally these meals must be composed of cereals, vegetables or fruits and above all be rich in proteins. Speaking of meals rich in proteins these are:

  • Meats (beef, poultry).
  • Fish and shellfish.
  • The eggs.
  • Milk, yogurts, and cheeses.
  • Oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, peanuts).
  • Legumes (lentils, beans, peas, soybeans).
  • Whole grains (rice, wheat, oats).
  • Vegetables (broccoli, cabbage).
  • Seeds (pumpkin, flax, sesame).
  • Algae (spirulina, chlorella, nori).

Move a lot


Many people think that to lose weight you have to do a lot of sport. In reality, losing weight is 80% diet and 20% sport.

The ideal sport for losing weight would be cardio.

To do cardio you have to walk a lot, take the stairs, get up every hour when you are at work. All these extra movements help to lose fat and even have some abdominal muscles.

Get enough sleep


Believe it or not, sleep, exercise and diet are very important things to keep fit.

No matter how many calories you burn, it’s all in vain if you don’t get enough sleep. The less you sleep, the more calories your body consumes.

The reason is that the hormone that controls hunger is affected when you don’t get enough sleep. Quality sleep helps burn enough fat to get the shape you dream of and work hard for.

Do not resist hunger


Yes, you heard me right, eat your fill and eat well, but don’t eat just any meal.

Avoid foods rich in animal fat. In fact, the more you eat, the more your body will fight to eliminate the food, but meals rich in bad fats slow down digestion.

Foods that should be avoided regularly are bread (except dry bread), sugar, popcorn, and anything that is fatty meat, foie gras… and anything that is fatty.

Foods that are generally recommended are;

  • vegetables,
  • red apple,
  • fish (especially salmon),
  • tea (green, black or white) ,
  • yogurt (not filling but does the trick),
  • the calf
  • honey (to replace sugar).

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