When will Grand blue dreaming season 2 come out ?

Will there be a new season 2 of Grand blue? This is what we try to answer in this post.

Season 1 of the anime Grand blue dreaming known as Grand Blue has ended since 2020.

Since then, fans have been eagerly awaiting the sequel.

After 4 years of waiting, can we still hope for the release of season 2 of Grand Blue?

Will there be a sequel? That’s what we’ll discuss in this post.

When will Grand blue dreaming season 2 come out ?

So far, we still have no news or trailer on the possible production of Grand Blue season 2.

The manga is still ongoing and now has enough chapters for a second season.

So we can expect the sequel of the anime to come out in the next few months.

In the meantime, you can always read the rest in manga from chapter 21 of Grand blue dreaming.

I would recommend reading from the beginning of the manga to enjoy all the scenes that couldn’t be broadcast in the anime for… obvious reasons.

Grand Blue Anime Synopsis

The story centers on Kitahara Iori who has just moved of his own accord to the coastal city of Izu.

In his free time, he works at his uncle’s dive shop where college students who are passionate about diving hang out. He discovers that college is more about picking up girls and having fun with friends than studying.

So a new chapter in his life opened, filled with diving with beautiful women.

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Grand blue dreaming - Y aura t'il une saison 2 ?


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  • When will Grand blue dreaming season 2 come out ?
    Will there be a new season 2 of Grand blue? This is what we try to answer in this post. Season 1 of the anime Grand blue dreaming known as Grand Blue has ended since 2020. Since then, fans have been eagerly awaiting the sequel. After 4 years of waiting, can we still hope for the release of season 2 of Grand Blue? Will there be a sequel? That’s what we’ll discuss in this post. So far, we still have no news or trailer on the possible production of Grand Blue season 2. The manga is still ongoing and now … Lire la suite

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